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  • tajfregene

The Bad Doctor

All the books I've read in 2019

14. The Bad Doctor by Ian Williams

Did I finish it or abandon it? I FINISHED IT

Would I recommend it? YES

If 2018 was the year of non-fiction for me, then 2019 is shaping up to be the year of the graphic novel. I was first made aware of Ian Williams when I attended a talk by Myriad Editions, the publisher. Earlier in the year, I enjoyed The Lady Doctor, which was actually the second book set in the fictional GP practice in rural Wales.

The Bad Doctor is set in the same practice and has a different GP, Iwan as its central character. Iwan tries his very best to care for his patients, but is in need of more than a little care himself. This tension between the care he gives and the care he needs is the fulcrum about which this book pivots and I think that this is well done.

Something else that is interesting is that this book portrays obsessive compulsive disorder in a way that I've never seen before. I found this aspect of the story both sensitive and well-executed. Although the plot isn't as compelling as that of The Lady Doctor, there was still enough there to keep me turning the pages.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it.


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